Oiche Shamhna

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Today is Samhain, the end of the cycle, summer's end, the end and the new begining.

"Samhain marks one of the two great doorways of the Celtic year, for the Celts divided the year into two seasons: the light and the dark, at Beltane on May 1st and Samhain on November 1st. Some believe that Samhain was the more important festival, marking the beginning of a whole new cycle, just as the Celtic day began at night. For it was understood that in dark silence comes whisperings of new beginnings, the stirring of the seed below the ground. Whereas Beltane welcomes in the summer with joyous celebrations at dawn, the most magically potent time of this festival is November Eve, the night of October 31st, known today of course, as Halloween. "

Halloween for some, Blessed day for others...

By pumpkins fat and Witches lean...
By coal black cats, with eyes of green
By all the magic ever seen...
I wish you luck this Halloween!


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