Zentangles & Origamis

Saturday, August 15, 2020

I have started hanging art... my own art... on my wall.
I like to call this place, my atelioffice.
It is where I work (teaching English ESL, both for a school and privet),
where I study (Physical Therapy Master's Degree)
and where I create art.
Eventually this wall will be full from top to bottom.

So far I have some Himmeli, some origami and some zentangle art.
All of them art part of art therapy I do for myself.
It all helps with anxiety...

The Zentangles where created with 140g/240g paper and Sakura's GellyRolls,
some on black post its notes.



The Himmeli where created with those fiber sticks you use to difuse
essences from a glass jar.
They melt and stick together if you burn them with a lighter or candle.
Plus, they are really light to be put up on the wall with double sided tape.

The origami is done with 100g paper and so far in one folding shape,
as I a planning to learn a few more...



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