Calligraphy Training

Sunday, February 02, 2020

After finishing the Show me your Drills course...
and since I didn't get the rest of the course for free at the challenge...

I've decided to actually buy the next course which is the minuscule letters.

I have been training my drills every day.
the ovals are the hardest... still...
but I am getting much better at it!

I feel my hand is getting more sturdy! Finally!
Sometimes I still shake like a freak but training will remove
that eventually, I guess...
I still do soggy bottoms on my transitions
and sometimes when I go back up I still shake a bit.
But!!! Training!!!

I have started the Minuscules Course to learn how to make full letters.
So far I find it "easier" but now I understand why we are supposed
to still practice our drills like crazy and to go slow af!
I'm on it!

My first attempt at full letters is below.
I first wrote down their individual drills then the letter itself.

After I did it, I got a red market and made little circles
 around areas where I know I messed up.
That way I know what to concentrate next time I do this.

It's evolving...
I hope I get good at this because my main goal is to
create lettering and watercolor artworks...
I am committed! (but a little sacred)


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