Golden Elven V6.0

Sunday, November 22, 2009

So, as you can see, I like to customize my Windows.
V6.0 of Golden Elven is probably the last one for XP
since I will be getting Windows 7 soon
and if I want to keep this style I'll have to re-skin from scratch.

Skin: Muku by ~326MICHIRU, mod by me
Icons: Buuf by =mattahan, and others from all
over DeviantArt, The Icon Factory, Material Note,
InterfaceLIFT and Mikworks, some mod by me.
(thank you hun, lovely artwork! ),
The book and patterns are by me
Leafy borders by Luana.
I changed the looks on most of the icons to fit my desktop...
The desktop was made with Desktop X to animate menus.

And since the poem (in Sindarin) turns into
a menu, the icons are hidden.
To show the different sections I made screenshots.

The poem is actually the song to Varda (Elbereth),
that the elves of Imladris (Rivendell)
sing while walking to the Lindon (Grey Havens) to go across the sea to Valinor.

 Main desktop


Poem menu: Office


Poem menu: Image Editing & Skinning


Poem menu: Web Mastering

Poem menu: Chat

Poem menu: Audio

Poem menu: Video

Poem menu: Art


Poem menu: Game

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